Ph.D., Sichuan University, Plasma Physics (2016)
M.A., Sichuan University, Plasma Physics (2013)
B.S., Sichuan University, Applied Physics (2006)
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2016-present).
Collaboration Researcher, National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan, (2019-2020).
Turbulence and transport in stellarator
Pedestal physics
Research Group
Dr. Huang is a member in Institute of Fusion Science, SWJTU chaired by Prof. Yuhong Xu and Prof. Changjian Tang.
1. J. Huang et. al., Impact of particle sources and plasma resistivity on edge localized, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 61, 025018 (2019).
2. Y. Zhang, J. Huang et. al., Influence of plasma resistivity on peeling-ballooning modes, Physics of Plasmas, 24, 062108 (2017).
3. J. Huang et. al., Simulations of peeling-ballooning modes with electron cyclotron resonance heating, Physics of Plasmas, 23, 052513 (2016).
Basics of Computational Physics
Modern Physics Experiment