
Nurturing Interest, Blossoming Science - School Hosts ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ Science Exploration Camp

Time:2023年03月27日 09:24   Hits:  

The seeds of science sprout in young minds, and the future of the nation depends on generations of inheritance. On the morning of March 25th, the ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ Science Exploration Camp (Second Phase) organized by the School Union, Assets and Laboratory Management Office, and the Concerned Next Generation Work Committee, and hosted by the School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, was held in Building 3 and Building 6 of Xipu Campus. Yang Aihua, Vice Secretary of the School Party Committee and Director of the Concerned Next Generation Work Committee, Liu Siming, professor of the School of Physical Science and Technology, Jin Nengfa, Chairman of the School Union, Li Tongmei, Deputy Director of the Retired Workers' Office and Deputy Secretary-General of the Concerned Next Generation Work Committee, Wei Zhenxing, Deputy Secretary of the School of Physical Science and Technology, and Li Xiangqiang, Deputy Dean of the School of Physical Science and Technology, attended the event. More than 60 ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ participated in the event with their parents.

At the opening ceremony, Yang Aihua welcomed the children and pointed out that ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ is the future of Southwest Jiaotong University. Inspiring children's scientific interest and cultivating their scientific spirit are important contents of guiding the education of ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ to grow up healthily. The ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ Science Exploration Camp has received extensive attention from all walks of life, especially school teachers and their children. The aim of this activity is to enhance children's ability to think seriously, ask questions, and solve problems, hoping that every ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ can be inspired here to explore and enjoy the fun of science. At the same time, she hopes that more people can actively participate in it, making the ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ Science Exploration Camp a beautiful landscape of the school!

Subsequently, Li Xiangqiang, the Deputy Dean of the School of Physical Science and Technology, briefly introduced the situation of the school. The physics laboratory center experienced by ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ today was approved for construction in 2007 and became one of the 51 national-level physics experimental teaching demonstration centers in 2012 after the acceptance of the Ministry of Education. The center attaches great importance to popular science work, continuously expands and optimizes the experimental projects of the popular science demonstration laboratory, and actively opens it to primary and secondary school students, stimulating students' interest in science and playing a good radiation role. He hopes that the students will contribute to the country's basic research and scientific research development in the future.

With Jin Nengfa announcing the opening of the ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ Science Exploration Camp (Second Phase), the long-awaited scientific exploration activity of the children officially kicked off. Scientific exploration always lacks navigators. After the opening ceremony, Professor Liu Siming of the School of Physical Science and Technology brought a vivid astrophysics class to the children. What is the universe? Liu Siming successfully attracted everyone's attention with an open-ended interactive Q&A. From the differences between the universe and cosmos, the composition of the Milky Way, the formation of nebulae and stars, the death of low-mass stars, supernova remnants, black holes, gravitational lenses, galaxies, galaxy clusters, gamma rays, Liu Siming showed various data, images, and small videos, telling everyone in simple language that astronomy is a discipline that carries beauty, tells the past, present, and future, and brings everyone into the wonderful world of exploring the universe. Physics in daily life is everywhere. Teacher Zhang Wenting brought a classroom on small physics knowledge in daily life. The children were amazed and cheered, gradually attracted by these magical physical phenomena and the knowledge behind them, and the seeds of science took root in their hearts.

Scientific exploration cannot be without practitioners. Therefore, the national-level physics experimental teaching demonstration center located in Building 6 of the school opened its doors to ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ The experiments are mainly divided into three parts: optics, mechanics, and electricity. Under the guidance of university student volunteers, ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ completed 45 demonstration experiments covering mechanics, optics, electromagnetics, and waves, to feel electricity that can be seen, force that can be heard, and light that can be touched. The experiments in each part are diverse and magical, and make people yearn for them. On the premise of ensuring the safety of the experiments, the volunteers patiently explained the experimental instruments, operation, and principles to the children and demonstrated them, winning the children's cheers. The seeds of science sprouted in the children's hearts.

Scientific exploration cannot be without thinkers. At the end of the event, the host asked the children about the small problems they encountered in exploring science. The children thought repeatedly, discussed passionately with their peers, and finally gave the answers excitedly, sharing them with everyone, with a smile of seeking knowledge and happiness on their faces. In a joyful atmosphere, the guest teachers awarded the \Science Exploration Camp Completion Certificate\ to the ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ The seeds of science bloomed in the children's hearts. The experience is short, but science is everlasting. Scientific exploration has no end. It is believed that this science exploration camp activity can sow the first seed of the scientific exploration process for ‘Jiao Xiao Miao’ After everyone's unremitting efforts and care, it will grow into a forest of science that contributes to the country and bears sweet and happy scientific fruits!