
Physics-Aerospace-Mathematics School Student Union Conducts Second "Learning Ideology from the Original Source" Debate Successfully

Time:2023年05月19日 14:15   Hits:  

On the afternoon of May 18th, 2023, the School of Physical Science and Technology, the School of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, and the School of Mathematics jointly organized the second "Learning Ideology from the Original Source" debate for student union members in room X30326 of the Xipu campus to promote the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Counselors from the School of Aerospace and Mechanics, Yang Jing and Xia Ronglin, and Ge Tiantian from the School of Physics, as well as representatives from student unions of each school attended the activity. This "Learning Ideology from the Original Source" activity is a continuation of the "Learning Party History from the Original Source" activities of the three schools, aiming to continue organizing counselors, student party branches, and student union branches to use the "Outline of Xi Jinping's New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" as the main learning content, encouraging teachers and students to step onto the stage without using computers, phones, or PPT, using a book, a pen, and their hearts to learn the ideology, understand the spirit, and express their own opinions. Through the form of hosting debates in turn, the activity aims to promote the integration of learning and application, and unify knowledge, belief, and action.

Firstly, Qiu Xu, a student from the Mechanics (Elite) 2021-01 class, shared his knowledge on the chapter "Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects," and elaborated on the three parts of "building a moderately prosperous society in all respects," "entering the new stage of development towards the second centenary goal," and "completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects in two steps," respectively. He also combined his own observations and international perspectives to demonstrate that China will inevitably realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and encouraged his classmates to contribute to this ideal through their own efforts.

Wei Wenjun, a student from the Applied Mathematics 2020-02 class, focused on the theme of "Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening Up," and elaborated on the difficulties and decisions faced by the Communist Party of China in different stages of reform, using the timeline of comprehensive deepening reform as a reference. By comparing past and present reform policies, he demonstrated the significant historical achievements of China's reform and opening up. At the same time, he also explained how to grasp the direction, position, and principles of reform and opening up under the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new historical stage, and encouraged young people to inject vitality into reform and opening up and make their voices heard.

Finally, Jiang Shimin, a student from the Physics Master's 2022-04 class, focused on the theme of "Comprehensively Governing the Country by Law" and elaborated on the relevant content of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics from three aspects: "what it is, why it is important, and how to do it." He guided everyone to discover the tangible changes brought by comprehensive governance of the country by law in their daily lives, and to think about the positive role of comprehensive governance of the country by law for the country, society, and individuals. He encouraged everyone to contribute their own strength to realizing comprehensive governance of the country by law.

After listening to the three students' sharing, the students expressed their own thoughts and feelings one after another. One student mentioned that China's development has entered a new stage, and young people should grasp the direction and development trend of the times, learn Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics carefully, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Counselor Yang Jing made a detailed and concise summary of the three speakers' presentations, and pointed out that many research methods in basic disciplines can be inspired by Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, learning Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics well and applying it in practical life and scientific research can help us find the way to success when facing difficulties.