
Party Branch of Applied Physics Department and Three Graduate Student Branches Hold Mutual Learning and Co-construction Activity

Time:2023年05月20日 14:19   Hits:  

On the afternoon of May 18th, 2023, the party branch of the Applied Physics Department and three graduate student branches of the School of Physical Science and Technology held a themed party day activity of "learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements" in room 4505A of the Yifu Building on the Jili campus. The meeting was chaired by Sun Hailong, the deputy secretary of the third graduate student branch. Comrade Sun Hailong led the study of the important discourse on "putting people at the center" in Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. He mentioned that General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly stated in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that one of the five major principles that must be firmly grasped on the road ahead is the development concept of "putting people at the center." In the new era, we must continuously realize that development is for the people, development relies on the people, and the fruits of development are shared by the people, so that the achievements of modernization can benefit all the people more fairly. At the same time, Liu Qijun from the party branch of the Applied Physics Department shared his learning experience and expressed his expectations for students in the construction of the school and the development of disciplines. Finally, the attendees had a lively discussion on topics such as people-oriented, the role of graduate students in disciplinary construction.