
Department of Physics Holds Teaching Content Seminar and Teaching Reform Paper Writing Experience Exchange

Time:2023年04月30日 13:58   Hits:  

On the afternoon of April 27th, 2023, from 2:00 pm to 3:50 pm, the Physics Department of the School of Physical Science and Technology held a routine teaching seminar in room X30405. The theme of this event was the discussion of theoretical/experimental teaching content and an introduction to teaching reform paper writing.

The seminar mainly included the following contents:

1. Xu Yanliang shared his teaching content on conservation of angular momentum. Dr. Xu emphasized the importance of introducing course content with questions that interest students. Therefore, he first planted the seeds of doubt by introducing the hidden conservation quantity in Kepler's laws, and then continued with the subsequent explanation. During the teaching process, Dr. Xu used Wang Yaping's space teaching video to illustrate the application of gyroscopes related to conservation of angular momentum, and also integrated patriotism into ideological and political education. Finally, Dr. Xu introduced the knowledge of angular momentum in phenomena such as missile launch, figure skating, and cat free fall, making the entire class full of interest and fully inspiring students' learning interest. In the discussion session after the report, Dr. Cui Zhantao raised a question about the cat free fall problem, whether it can be regarded as fixed-axis rotation. Professor Xie Dong replied that the classroom can supplement the explanation of the angular momentum theorem in the center of mass reference frame.

2. Dr. Cui Zhantao shared his teaching content on exploring Newton's discovery of the law of universal gravitation. Starting from the important deeds of scientists, Dr. Cui explained the hardships and difficulties of scientific exploration, and promoted the spirit of scientific exploration to students. During the teaching process, he supplemented a lot of content beyond the textbook, explained in detail the connection and origin between the law of universal gravitation and Newton's laws of mechanics, and carried out deduction and calculation step by step. From shallow to deep, other teachers gained a lot.

3. Professor Xie Dong gave a report on "Originating from Teaching, Achieving through Thinking - A Brief Discussion on the Selection of Teaching Papers". Professor Xie introduced his personal experience of how to explore valuable topics in daily teaching and communication with students, and further summarized his work and wrote teaching reform papers. This report inspired the teachers greatly and clarified the importance of returning to teaching itself, and focusing on accumulation and thinking.

4. The University Physics Experiment Teaching and Research Center shared the teaching of "Electric Meter Modification Experiment". Dr. Chen Long explained the course content in detail, and Dr. Lin Yuexia explained the experiment in a lecture competition mode. The teachers summarized the error-prone content of the experiment and discussed the problems in the lecture process.